Our design and dash approach is meant to help you avoid becoming overextended, but we totally get it if you don’t have bandwidth to spare right now. There are other ways you can help. Please see below for additional ways you can pitch in for restaurants in need.


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Calling all creatives: Your talent can help NYC restaurants come back from COVID-19. Join #CreativesForKitchens to help with low-touch updates like menus, social posts, signage, etc. Let’s do what we can, one taco a time... http://creativesforkitchens.org

Donate to the James Beard Foundation’s “Open for Good”

In recognition of the long-term support needed by independent, locally owned restaurants to remain a vital part of their communities, the James Beard Foundation has committed its full staff and programs for the next 12-18 months to Open For Good, a campaign to support the recovery and rebuilding of an independent restaurant industry that is stronger than ever.

Open for Good.jpg


Donate to ROAR New York

Relief Opportunities for All Restaurants (ROAR) and Robin Hood are partnering with the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) to provide direct cash assistance to restaurant workers in New York City facing unprecedented economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

NYC’s hospitality teams live to take care of us. Now it’s our turn to take care of them. Your support will make all the difference.